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Graphics Group

A graphics group is an new graphic that draws a graphics in some relation to one another. This can be useful when you want to compose graphics together into a single graphic. Graphics groups do support all types of graphics including animations

const group = new ex.GraphicsGroup({
useAnchor: false, // position group from the top left
members: [
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(0, 0),
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(50, 0),
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(0, 50),
graphic: text,
offset: ex.vec(100, 20),
graphic: circle,
offset: ex.vec(50, 50),
graphic: anim,
offset: ex.vec(200, 200),
graphic: triangle,
offset: ex.vec(0, 200),
const group = new ex.GraphicsGroup({
useAnchor: false, // position group from the top left
members: [
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(0, 0),
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(50, 0),
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(0, 50),
graphic: text,
offset: ex.vec(100, 20),
graphic: circle,
offset: ex.vec(50, 50),
graphic: anim,
offset: ex.vec(200, 200),
graphic: triangle,
offset: ex.vec(0, 200),

Positioning GraphicsGroup and its Members

There are a few options available to you when defining a grouping.

Setting useAnchor: false will tell the GraphicsGroup to completely ignore anchoring of any parent component and position from the top left.

const group = new ex.GraphicsGroup({
useAnchor: false, // position group from the top left
members: [
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(0, 0)
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(50, 0)
const group = new ex.GraphicsGroup({
useAnchor: false, // position group from the top left
members: [
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(0, 0)
graphic: newSprite,
offset: ex.vec(50, 0)

Group members are added to the collection of graphics and their bounds are included as a default. You can disable the bounds inclusion into the GraphicsGroup on a per member basis, this is useful if you have large unpredictably sized graphics or dynamic text that can change the bounds. Excalibur default anchor centers graphics, these new bounds can cause GraphicsGroups to shift when new members are added because bounds change.

export interface GraphicsGrouping {
offset: Vector;
graphic: Graphic;
* Optionally disable this graphics bounds as part of group calculation, default true
* if unspecified
* You may want to do this if you're using text because their bounds will affect
* the centering of the whole group
useBounds?: boolean;
export interface GraphicsGrouping {
offset: Vector;
graphic: Graphic;
* Optionally disable this graphics bounds as part of group calculation, default true
* if unspecified
* You may want to do this if you're using text because their bounds will affect
* the centering of the whole group
useBounds?: boolean;

useAnchor: false is the preferred option, turning off bounds can have some unexpected onscreen/offscreen effects like popping in or out unexpectedly.